Last week i call one of my friend work to the international SEO company webandrank.com and i say " I Brian, any suggestion for this week- end?" Brian " I am sorry Larry i will spend this week-end with
This guy have always a good plans! So i decide to spend also my week-end to improve my ALEXA ranking, how? just read this post :
1) send to all you friend one mail and ask to install the Alexa toolbar and Get Sparky http://www.alexa.com/site/download
2) ask to your asian friend to visit you website, 70% of the asian user use have the alexa
3) open your page to StumbleUpon.com
4) go to ebay and look about Alexa rank booster
5) use Alexa redirection , when you providing a link to your website use use Alexa redirection just change you website http://redirect.alexa.com/redirect?mywebsite.com
6) download the Alexa ranking button, http://www.alexa.com/site/devcorner
7) learn more about the new SEO technique to improve your rank
Alexa rank strategy can increase in one week-end if you take care and you love, so guys have a very happy week end.
I try but no answer after 2 week...
The idea is good ,need to follow.
Yes, it is always good to have a relatively high Alexa ranking. Even though it can be easily “gamed” to some extent, as with other traffic metrics it’s often the perception that counts more than the reality when it comes to attracting advertisers.
As for actually increasing the ranking, I have found that having the Firefox search status extension or the Alexa toolbar installed and simply surfing around my own site while writing and editing posts is usually enough to get the ranking into six figures (above 1 million).
redirect.alexa.com/redirect?yourdomain.com is not work anymore dude.
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